
Primary school

Cambridge Primary provides a flexible framework which we can use to tailor the curriculum to our needs. We provide assessment tools to help identify what children are learning, monitor their progress and report to parents. Cambridge Primary is an excellent preparation for Cambridge Secondary 1.

IMSB aims to provide opportunities for each student to realise their full potential: academically, socially, emotionally, spiritually, creatively and physically. A broad range of subjects are taught at each year level.

An extensive assessment and reporting system exists in the Primary classes. The classroom teachers work closely with the Well Being and Development Department to ensure that each student is working to the best of his ability. Specific testing is available and professionally administered to students.

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines.
Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.

Social Skill Development

We believe students need to be nurtured, encouraged and taught the processes that will help them to develop responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. In Primary, students develop self-confidence and self-esteem, by understanding their own strengths and needs.

Why us?

Each staff member is committed to the development of students’ sense of independence and responsibility. Our Primary programme is teaching social skills which cover topics such as rules, rights, responsibilities, consequences, relationships, acceptable social behaviour and conflict resolution.