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A day in the Primary Section at MISB  

How does a day in primary school go like? Well, it’s Monday morning and the students start arriving at school at 8 AM; for the next 30 min, they will eat breakfast and socialise with their friends and teachers. This is an important time for us at Maarif, as we bond, have nutritious food and prepare for a day full of fun learning.  

The first lesson starts at 8:30. Once attendance is done and all are accounted for on our social platform, ClassDojo, students start their English Lesson. Everyone in Primary is introduced to their new spelling pattern on Monday, this helps the students to build a strong phonetical awareness that will allow them to be better readers and more confident writers. The words are practiced throughout the week and on Friday everyone has a Spelling Test. Full marks are always praised and rewarded. Our students love the reading session, each student reads with their teacher or the Teaching Assistant at least 2-3 times a week and answer comprehension questions. Years 4,5 and 6 have a group reading and discussing the given text, each time focusing on a different reading skill.  

Mathematics is loved in Primary! Students use manipulatives, play games and discuss possible ways to solve problems while keeping strong calculation skills in check and of course, know their timetables to perfection. Some of us have Art where under the hands of little artists, papers come alive with wonderful colours or are made into different origami shapes. Others enjoy a Dance lesson with Ms. Elena, learning different moves from all over the world keeping up with the beat and simply getting energized by the music.  

By the time it’s 12:55, our students are hungry and ready to go for lunch. Some enjoy a meal at the canteen and some home-packed sandwiches. After lunch, students enjoy the longest break of the day, taking some fresh air, playing games, reading a book or just having a chat with their best friend.  

After a long break, some Science is welcomed; there is an abundance of amazing experiments, discoveries and little genius minds grow, one day to become innovative scientists that will most probably change the world!  Geography is part of today’s schedule, everyone loves to learn about the world, how to protect the planet by recycling and being more responsible as well as sharing ideas on what can be done starting now to save our beautiful planet. ICT is a total favour! 3D painting, programming and playing Prodigy where they compete with each other in mathematical problems is an absolute blast! In Maarif we all come from different countries and languages are very important to us. Students study 2 languages apart from English and their choices are: Turkish, Romanian, French and Arabic. 

Before you know it, it’s 3:15 PM, the bell rings and the day is done! So many of our students don’t even want to go home, but tomorrow is a new day and everyone will have more fun!